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Monday, January 10, 2011

Ayoyo!!! What going on???...........

What going on, man??? All the goods prices going up, some goods are getting lesser in volume and some good are missing. So how much you need to run a family? How much money you need if our family is big?

My friend with a family of three and who is living a decent life or middle income is very much suffering nowadays. His monthly expenses are higher than 2 months ago.

He only has a son and a wife, a decent car (proton waja) for himself and a small kancil for his wife and a house. We sit down and count his bills, he need RM4, 500.00 just to run his family. This not includes entertainment like having dinner outside, going to pub or café, healthcare and vacation. And he only makes RM5, 000.00 only.

If middle income people is suffering what about low income people. How much he is going to suffer!!! Can we imagine that?

To overcome this situation, that person needs to do an overtime (OT) or part time job, which nowadays is hard to get or find one.

What is going on to our beloved country? What our government is doing to overcome this?

 Hello sir Y.A.B Datuk Seri PM just fired your incompetent minister and gets a new one. This maybe will make you unpopular within your collation party but this will save our country. If you love our country please think about it.

Please don’t say that rest of the world is going through this. Don’t compare with other countries and say Malaysia is better than other countries. Who is ‘f…k’ care about other countries.

I’m just care and love our country. We must make our country a better place to love.

We must be very patient and tough to overcome these phenomena. We cannot give-up. We are not weak. We are not coward. We must not runaway. We must find solution.

One thing for sure and my mentor (Mr. John Rankin) always says this; Tough Time Won’t Last, Tough People Does. Just work harder guy everyday……….

I always follow his advice, until today……….so guys...

Life goes on……………..

1 comment:

  1. You think this BN government gives a shit about the people?
    The Ministers all have money stashed in Israeli banks, take a look at Wikileaks.
    What makes you think they would care about anyone else but themselves?
    That's why they're going to lose the election.
    Najib is too scared to call for that.
